Bhole Baba, also known as Narayan Sakar Hari, is a spiritual preacher who gained prominence in India. Born in Bahadur village in the Patiali tehsil of Etah district, Uttar Pradesh, Bhole Baba claims to be a former employee of the Intelligence Bureau (IB). Suraj Pal, his real name, worked with the Local Intelligence Unit for over 15 years before leaving his government job to dedicate himself to spiritual pursuits12. His Satsang (spiritual discourses) attracted a large following, particularly among the Dalit community.
Tragically, Bhole Baba was associated with the 2024 Hathras stampede, a devastating incident that occurred during a Satsang commemorating the Hindu god Shiva in the village of Mughal Garhi. Over 15,000 people had gathered for the event, which had a capacity for only 5,000. The disaster unfolded as attendees were leaving the makeshift tent where the satsang took place.
Heat, overcrowding, and a strong dust storm caused panic, leading to the stampede. At least 116 people lost their lives, most of whom were women and children. Reports suggest that attendees were blocked so that Bhole Baba and his group could exit first.
Despite the tragedy, Bhole Baba’s influence remains a topic of discussion, and his role in the Hathras stampede continues to be scrutinized. His spiritual journey, a former career in law enforcement, and the events surrounding the stampede highlight the complexities of faith, crowd dynamics, and human vulnerability in moments of crisis.