On Friday, November 15, social media platform X was abuzz with reports that Team India skipper Rohit Sharma and his wife Ritika Sajdeh have been blessed with a baby boy. This exciting news comes amidst speculation about Rohit's availability for the upcoming high-profile Test series against Australia, which is scheduled to begin on November 22 in Perth.
Rumors about the couple's new addition started circulating after Rohit hinted at personal reasons for potentially missing the first Test. Fans and well-wishers quickly took to social media to share congratulatory messages and celebrate the joyous occasion. However, official confirmation from Rohit or the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is still awaited.
The birth of their baby boy marks the couple's second child, as they already have a daughter named Samaira, born in 2018. Despite this personal milestone, Rohit has been seen practicing in the nets in Mumbai, demonstrating his commitment to staying match-ready for the Test series.
As cricket enthusiasts eagerly await official confirmation, attention remains on how Rohit will manage his family commitments alongside his professional responsibilities. The support from fans continues to pour in, with many hoping to see the Indian skipper take the field for the series opener in Perth.