In a strategic move to strengthen their position in the upcoming Delhi Assembly elections, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has roped in Pawan Kalyan, the popular actor-turned-politician and leader of the Jana Sena Party. Pawan Kalyan, who also serves as the Deputy Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, is set to join the campaign trail alongside other prominent BJP leaders.
The BJP's decision to bring Pawan Kalyan into the campaign is seen as a calculated effort to appeal to the significant Telugu-speaking population in Delhi. With approximately 10 lakh people from Andhra Pradesh and Telangana residing in the national capital, the BJP aims to leverage Pawan Kalyan's popularity and influence to secure votes in key constituencies.
Pawan Kalyan's campaign schedule is expected to be finalized soon, with plans for him to participate in roadshows and public meetings across various parts of Delhi. His presence is anticipated to energize the party's supporters and attract undecided voters, particularly in areas with a high concentration of Telugu-speaking residents.
This move comes as part of the BJP's broader strategy to reclaim power in Delhi after a 26-year hiatus. The party has been mounting a vigorous campaign, with top leaders like Union Minister Nitin Gadkari highlighting the central government's infrastructure initiatives and urging voters to support the BJP for continued development.
The Delhi Assembly elections are scheduled for February 5, with results to be announced on February 8. As the campaign heats up, all eyes will be on Pawan Kalyan and his ability to sway the electorate in favor of the BJP.