The Malayalam film industry mourns the loss of one of its cherished actresses, Kanakalatha, who passed away at the age of 63. Known for her extensive work in over 350 films, Kanakalatha’s journey in the realm of cinema began with her passion for theater, which she pursued since her school days. Her transition from theater to cinema marked the beginning of an illustrious career that spanned more than three decades, during which she graced both the Malayalam and Tamil film industries with her remarkable talent.
Kanakalatha’s notable works include ‘Chillu’, ‘Kariyilakkattu Pole’, ‘Jagratha’, ‘Kireedam’, ‘Spadikam’, ‘Harikrishnans’, and her last appearance in ‘Pookkalam’ by Ganesh Raj. Her performances were not just confined to the big screen; she also made significant contributions to over 50 television serials, showcasing her versatility as an actress.
Her demise on May 6th, 2024, at her residence in Thiruvananthapuram, came after a brave battle with Parkinson’s disease and Dementia, conditions she had been suffering from since 2021. The news of her passing has left a void in the hearts of her fans and colleagues alike. Tributes poured in from all corners, including from actor Prithviraj Sukumaran, who shared a heartfelt message on Instagram, reminiscing about the times they shared the screen together.
Kanakalatha’s legacy is not just in the roles she portrayed but also in the inspiration she provided to aspiring actors. Her dedication to her craft and her ability to bring characters to life will continue to influence generations to come. As the film fraternity and her admirers bid farewell to this iconic figure, they find solace in the memories of her performances that will live on forever.