Daniel Balaji, a renowned Tamil actor known for his impactful performances in iconic films such as “Vettaiyaadu Vilayaadu” and “Vada Chennai,” tragically passed due to a cardiac arrest. He was 48 years old. Daniel’s untimely demise occurred at a private hospital in Chennai.
Born with a distinctive voice and an intense screen presence, Daniel Balaji carved a niche for himself in the film industry. His portrayal of antagonists left an indelible mark on audiences. His roles in movies like “Vettaiyaadu Vilayaadu” and “Polladhavan” showcased his versatility and acting prowess.
Film critic Sreedhar Pillai expressed his grief on social media, writing, “#DanielBalaji (48), a fine actor, passed away late at night due to a cardiac arrest. Who can forget his voice and performance as the antagonist in ‘Vettaiyaadu Vilayaadu,’ ‘Polladhavan’?” Director Mohan Raja also paid tribute, reminiscing about their friendship and Daniel’s impact on his career.
Daniel Balaji’s journey began as a unit production manager on the sets of Kamal Haasan’s unreleased film, ‘Marudhanayagam.’ His passion for cinema led him to explore acting, and he soon became a recognizable face in Tamil and Telugu cinema.
The entire film industry mourns the sudden loss of this talented artist. Daniel Balaji’s legacy will endure through his memorable performances, leaving an irreplaceable void in the hearts of fans and colleagues alike.