Rathnam is an action-packed Tamil film directed by Hari and starring Vishal in the lead role. The movie revolves around Rathnam, an angry man living on the border of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. His mission is to protect a young woman named Janani from gangsters, although the reasons remain undisclosed. The film also features Priya Bhavani Shankar, Ramachandra Raju, Samuthirakani, Gautham Vasudev Menon, and Yogi Babu.
Early reviews suggest that Rathnam is an engaging masala entertainer. Director Hari is back in form, with everything from Yogi Babu’s comedy to high-octane action sequences working well. The film promises good family entertainment and is expected to be a hit1.
The movie will release in both Telugu and Tamil languages, with over 500 screens in Tamil Nadu and a global screen count of over 100 screens. Its runtime is approximately 2 hours and 36 minutes. Vishal himself has described it as a “paisa vasool” film with great music by Devi Sri Prasad.