Rathnam, starring Tamil star Vishal, has finally hit the screens today. Directed by ace filmmaker Hari, this much-anticipated action thriller features Priya Bhavani Shankar, Ramachandra Raju, Samuthirakani, Gautham Vasudev Menon, and Yogi Babu in pivotal roles.
The movie narrates the story of an angry man named Rathnam, who lives on the border of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. He is on a quest to protect a young woman named Janani from gangsters for undisclosed reasons. The film has created a massive buzz, and fans are eagerly waiting to watch Vishal’s magic on the OTT platform. Speaking of which, Rathnam will have its OTT premiere on Amazon Prime Video. The movie will be available in both Telugu and Tamil languages.
Despite this unfortunate leak, fans eagerly await the theatrical release of “Rathnam” on April 26th. Let’s hope that the captivating cinematic experience promised by the talented cast, including a high octane of acting Vishal will outweigh the impact of this online leak.
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