Here’s a curated list of 8 classic movies that you absolutely need to watch at least once. These films have left an indelible mark on cinema history and continue to captivate audiences across generations:
1. Schindler’s List (1993): A powerful biographical drama set in German-occupied Poland during World War II, where industrialist Oskar Schindler strives to save Jewish lives from Nazi persecution.
2. Citizen Kane (1941): A mysterious drama that unravels the meaning behind publishing tycoon Charles Foster Kane’s enigmatic final word, "Rosebud".
3. The Wizard of Oz (1939): Follow young Dorothy Gale and her dog Toto as they journey to the magical Land of Oz, seeking the Wizard’s help to return home.
4. Eraserhead (1977): A surreal and haunting fantasy-horror film by David Lynch, featuring Henry Spencer’s struggle to survive in an industrial environment with his mutant child.
5. The Godfather (1972): A crime drama masterpiece directed by Francis Ford Coppola, chronicling the transfer of power within an organized crime dynasty.
6. West Side Story (1961): A musical drama where love blossoms between two youngsters from rival New York City gangs, amidst escalating tensions.
7. Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977): Join Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and their allies as they battle the Empire and Darth Vader in a galaxy-saving adventure.
8. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975): A gripping drama set in a mental institution, where a Korean War veteran rallies fellow patients against a tyrannical nurse.
These films span various genres and eras, offering a rich cinematic experience. Whether you’re a seasoned movie buff or a casual viewer, these classics are essential for any film lover.