Mahanati is a unique Kannada reality show that provides a platform for aspiring actresses to showcase their talent and compete for the chance to shine as Karnataka’s next big star. Through intensive training and mentorship, these young talents aim to make their mark in the entertainment industry. The show, which airs on Zee Kannada, promises drama, emotions, and fierce competition as participants strive to fulfill their dreams of becoming successful actresses.
Ramesh Aravind: A well-known actor, Ramesh Aravind, is one of the judges on the show. His vast experience in the entertainment industry makes him a valuable mentor for the contestants.
Prem: Another judge on the show, Prem, is a talented actor and filmmaker. His insights and guidance contribute to shaping the contestants’ performances.
Tarun Sudhir: Tarun Sudhir, yet another judge, brings his expertise to the table. As a director and actor, he provides constructive feedback to the participants.
Nishvika Naidu: The actress Nishvika Naidu is also part of the judging panel. Her understanding of acting nuances and screen presence adds value to the show.
Here is the contest list photos of the Kannada reality show Mahanati contestant list with photos:
Vinaya - Shirse
Sonie - Rajasthan
Shwetha Bhutt - Karwar
Reya - Mysore
Priyanka - Mysore
Pravalika - Bangalore
Nirosha - Mysore
Hashika - Thirthahalli
Hashika - Bangalore
Gagana - Chitradurga
DhanyaShree - Chikkamagaluru
Devasena - Davanagere
Chandhana Gowda - Bangalore
Bhindu - Davanagere
Aradhana Bhat - Mangalore
Amrutha Raj - Bangalore