The Indian action-drama series is making a comeback on Disney+ Hotstar with its second season. Created by Bhuvan Bam and Rohit Raj’s BB Ki Vines Productions, the show revolves around Vasant Gawde, a sanitation worker who discovers he can predict the future. However, his newfound abilities come at a cost to his relationships.
The title “Taaza Khabar Season 2 ” translates to “fresh news,” which is central to the plot. The first season garnered attention, drawing comparisons to films like “Slumdog Millionaire” and “The Invention of Lying.”
Season 2 is currently in production in India, with Bhuvan Bam reprising his role as Vasant (Vasya). The cast includes Shriya Pilgaonkar, Mahesh Manjrekar, Deven Bhojani, Shilpa Shukla, Prathmesh Parab, and Nitya Mathur. Himank Gaur directs, and Hussain and Abbas Dalal write the scripts. In this new season, Vasya sets out to rewrite his own destiny.
The release date for Season 2 is yet to be officially announced, but fans are eagerly awaiting more intricacies in this thrilling journey. The trailer is out on Hot Star Official Channel.