"Sookshmadarshini," starring Nazriya Nazim and Basil Joseph, has been eagerly anticipated by fans. Directed by MC and produced by Sameer Thahir, Shyju Khalid, and AV Anoop, the film was released on November 22, 2024. The movie follows the story of Manuel, who returns to his childhood home, sparking suspicion from Priyadarshini and her friends. The film boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including Deepak Parambol, Sidharth Bharathan, and Kottayam Ramesh.
Audience reactions to "Sookshmadarshini" have been mixed. While some viewers praised the film's engaging storyline and the performances of Nazriya and Basil, others felt that the film did not live up to their expectations. The film's soundtrack, composed by Christo Xavier, received positive feedback, adding to the overall viewing experience.
Despite the mixed reviews, "Sookshmadarshini" has managed to make a mark with its unique blend of comedy and drama. The film's suspenseful plot and charming performances have resonated with many viewers, making it a noteworthy addition to the Malayalam film industry. Whether it's a hit or a flop, "Sookshmadarshini" has certainly sparked conversations and left an impression on its audience.