In a dystopian near-future United States, “Civil War” stormed the box office, raking in an impressive $25.7 million during its debut weekend. Directed by Alex Garland and starring Kirsten Dunst as a journalist navigating a violently divided nation, the film captivated audiences with its thought-provoking premise. This marked a significant milestone for A24, as it became their biggest opening ever.
Here’s what you need to know about “Civil War”:
• Release Date: April 19, 2024
• Language: English
• Starcast: Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Cailee Spaeny, Stephen McKinley
• Director: Alex Garland.
The movie’s blue-state/red-state rift resonated with viewers, especially in an election year, and its premium large formats like Imax and Dolby Cinemas contributed to its success. Despite receiving a “B-” CinemaScore, A24’s knack for engaging and dividing audiences worked in its favor. With a production budget of $50 million, “Civil War” is A24’s most expensive film to date. The studio had already sold foreign rights, ensuring a strong return on investment even before its North American release
On its opening day, “Civil War” managed to earn over ₹2 crore. The worldwide collection and overall verdict are still unfolding, keeping fans and industry insiders eagerly awaiting the final numbers.