Aranmanai 4, the much-awaited Tamil horror-comedy sequel, is set to captivate audiences with its blend of fear and excitement. Directed by Sundar C., the film stars Sundar C., Tamannaah Bhatia, and Raashi Khanna, along with a star-studded supporting cast including Yogi Babu, Motta Rajendran, Kovai Sarala, VTV Ganesh, Singam Puli, and Delhi Ganesh. The movie promises to be a complete entertainment package, with Hiphop Adhi’s music, Krishnasamy’s cinematography, and Fenny Oliver’s editing.
The film was initially scheduled for a worldwide theatrical release in mid-January 2024 during the Pongal week but was postponed to Republic Day. Later, it was pushed to April 11, 2024, and finally fixed for theatrical release on April 26, 2024. Fans can expect a rollercoaster ride of horror and comedy as they witness the antics of the star-studded ensemble.
As for the OTT platform, Aranmanai 4 is expected to be released online in June 202434. While the exact streaming platform is yet to be officially confirmed, sources suggest that ZEE5 has acquired the streaming rights for a significant sum. Horror enthusiasts and fans of the franchise can look forward to experiencing the chills and thrills of Aranmanai 4 from the comfort of their screens soon!