Priyanka Chopra is set to make headlines with her record-breaking ₹30 crores fee for her role in SS Rajamouli’s upcoming untitled jungle adventure film, which also stars Mahesh Babu. This staggering fee makes Priyanka the highest-paid Indian actress of all time, showcasing her immense star power and the significant demand for her talent. The film, which promises to be a high-budget action-adventure, is generating substantial excitement among fans and industry insiders alike.
The collaboration between Priyanka Chopra and SS Rajamouli has already heightened anticipation for the project. Rajamouli, known for his blockbuster hits such as "Baahubali," is renowned for his exceptional storytelling and grand cinematic vision. With Mahesh Babu also on board, the film is poised to be a major box office success, blending star power, captivating storylines, and breathtaking visuals. The production is expected to take place in diverse and exotic locations, including India and Thailand, further adding to the film's allure.
Priyanka Chopra's return to Indian cinema after a six-year hiatus has been eagerly awaited by fans. Her impressive fee not only underscores her status as a global icon but also highlights the growing recognition of Indian talent on the world stage. As she embarks on this exciting new project, audiences can look forward to seeing Priyanka deliver yet another powerful performance, reinforcing her position as a trailblazer in the film industry.