Recent developments in the knife attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan reveal that the actor was admitted to Lilavati Hospital at 4:11 am on Thursday, January 16. This was 1 hour and 41 minutes after he was stabbed multiple times at his home in Bandra West.
Despite the proximity of Saif Ali Khan’s house to Lilavati Hospital—only a 10-15 minute drive—his medical report indicates the attack occurred around 2:30 am, yet he was not admitted until 4:11 am. The report, submitted to Bandra Police, notes that he was brought in by his manager and friend, Afsar Zaidi, suggesting Zaidi played a crucial role in getting him to the hospital.
Further details from the medical report, shared by IANS, confirm that Saif reached Lilavati Hospital nearly two hours after the stabbing. However, there are conflicting accounts regarding who accompanied him. Initially, a doctor reported that Saif arrived in an auto-rickshaw with his 8-year-old son, Taimur Ali Khan.
This incident has raised questions about the delay in Saif’s admission to the hospital and the differing narratives about his arrival. As the investigation continues, more information is expected to surface, providing clarity on the events surrounding the attack and its aftermath.