Renowned Indian actor and model Milind Soman, along with his wife Ankita Konwar, recently participated in the sacred Maha Kumbh Mela, held at the Triveni Sangam. The couple took a holy dip on the auspicious occasion of Mauni Amavasya, one of the most significant days of the festival.
Milind Soman, known for his fitness and adventurous spirit, shared his reflections on Instagram, expressing gratitude for the spiritual experience. "Blessed to be at the Mahakumbh with @ankita_earthy on the very special day of mauni amavasya! Such a spiritual space and experience reminds me of how small and insignificant I am in the vastness of existence and how every moment that we are here is so special," he wrote.
However, the joyous occasion was marred by a tragic stampede that occurred the previous night, claiming 30 lives and leaving 60 others injured. The stampede happened as millions of pilgrims jostled for space to take a holy dip in the Ganges. Milind conveyed his sorrow over the incident, saying, "Even though my heart is full, I am saddened by the events of last night, and my prayers are with the families who lost loved ones. Har Har Gange! Har Har Mahadev!!