In a significant legal development, a Mumbai court has sentenced renowned filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma (RGV) to three months in jail in connection with a cheque bounce case registered in 2018. The Andheri court found Varma guilty under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, which deals with the dishonour of cheques due to insufficient funds. Along with the jail sentence, Varma has been fined Rs. 3.72 lakh.
The case was filed by Shree, represented by Maheshchandra Mishra, against Varma's firm. Varma's failure to be present during the hearing also led the court to issue a non-bailable warrant for his arrest.
This verdict comes as a major setback for Varma, who was preparing to unveil his new project, "Syndicate." The legal troubles could potentially impact his upcoming ventures and professional commitments.