"UI," directed by and starring Upendra, is a Kannada dystopian sci-fi thriller that premiered on December 20, 2024. The film features a stellar cast, including Reeshma Nanaiah, Murali Sharma, Sunny Leone, Jisshu Sengupta, Nidhi Subbaiah, Sadhu Kokila, Murali Krishna, and Indrajit Lankesh. Produced by Lahari Films and Venus Entertainers, "UI" runs for 132 minutes and boasts a hefty budget of ₹100 crore.
Set in a fictional world in 2040, "UI" delves into the psychological conflict between a town's king and a cunning outsider who uses his intellect to usurp the throne and become a dictator. This gripping narrative is complemented by striking visuals and a compelling score by B. Ajaneesh Loknath, though some viewers found the screenplay predictable and certain scenes lackluster.
Despite mixed reviews, Upendra's performance and the unique premise have captivated audiences. The film's technical aspects, particularly the cinematography by H.C. Venugopal and the music, have received praise. Overall, "UI" provides a thought-provoking cinematic experience, blending science fiction and psychological drama in a visually stunning package.
If You're Intelligent,Get out of the Theatre Right Now !!!
— Gems of 5G!!! (@Gemsof5G) December 20, 2024
If You're a Fool,Watch Entire Movie ????????#UiTheMovie #UiTheMovieOnDEC20th #Uppi #Upendra #UI pic.twitter.com/RTT3pT3pzd
???? #UiTheMovieReview: Not A Regular Movie, Appreciate #Upendra First
— MJ Cartels (@Mjcartels) December 20, 2024
- Some Subconscious War
- Music is Good, Interval is Good,
Climax is different
- Upendra Performance Highlight of the film
- But extreme level Screenplay Confuse Sometimes #Ui #UiTheMovie #ViduthalaiPart2 pic.twitter.com/fLDldSmAKT
— Bobbilli Puli ???????????? (@Bobbillipuli999) December 20, 2024
movie start nunchi interval vorku
Story telling kothaga vundi
Kalki bagvan avtharm
Ui Movie Early Morning has been Started & Upendra Shared this Post.????
— Monish (@Monish09cric) December 20, 2024
He is Eagerly Waiting. How much time will the audience take to find the last Shoot of UI ???????? ????#UiTheMovieOnDEC20th#UiTheMovie #UppiDirects #Upendra #MaxTheMovie #Shivanna #ToxicTheMovie #Yash
#Ganesh pic.twitter.com/szpLzAw15b