Abhishek Kapoor’s latest directorial venture, Azaad, has had a challenging time at the box office. Starring debutants Rasha Thadani and Aaman Devgan, the film earned only ₹4.65 crore over its first weekend2. The movie struggled to make an impressive impact despite the star-studded cast and high expectations.
On the third day, Azaad showed a slight improvement in its earnings, collecting ₹1.85 crore. This was a modest increase from its second-day collection of ₹1.3 crore3. However, the film's total weekend earnings remained below the ₹5 crore mark, reflecting its struggle to attract audiences.
The competition from other films, such as Kangana Ranaut's Emergency, which fared better over the same period, added to Azaad’s challenges. Emergency managed to pull in a total of ₹10.46 crore over its first weekend. Additionally, Allu Arjun’s Pushpa 2 continued to dominate the box office, further impacting Azaad's performance.
The lack of substantial growth over the weekend indicates that word-of-mouth and audience reception have not been exceptionally favorable for Azaad. Despite the viral popularity of its song Uyi Amma, this did not translate into better box office numbers. The film's limited occupancy and mixed reviews contributed to its lackluster performance5.
With these early results, the path ahead for Azaad looks challenging. Whether it manages to pick up pace in the coming days remains to be seen, but for now, the film is struggling to secure strong footing at the box office.